Amateur Catholic

We don't write books or do speaking tours.
In fact, we barely do our jobs.
-We're the B-Team of Catholic Bloggers-

This is the home of the Amateur Catholic® bloggers - or as we like to refer to ourselves, the B-team. We don't write books or do speaking tours. In fact, we barely do our jobs. That's not to say we're unambitious though... You see, this coalition is just the second phase our blogoshpere conquest. We suppose you could think of us as amateur crusaders too.

Membership will not bring you any money, perks, notoriety, or prestige - but you will get the privilege of proudly displaying the B-team badge on your blog! Lucky you, huh?

amateurcatholic @

If you are hosting a conference, parish function, or some other event and can not afford the exorbitant fees typically associated with a Professional Catholic®, please contact one of our members. We like to hear ourselves talk just as much as the Professional Catholics® do, we just don't charge you for it. But hey give us a meal, free beer, and a designated driver, and we'll speak about breaking the Da Vinci Code or anything else you might care to hear about.

The B-Team badge is copryright 2006, The B-Team Bloggers®. Of course, we're Amateur Catholics®, so if you use the badge without permission (enrolled membership), we won't hunt you down and make you cough up your hard-earned bucks. Just have fun with it and maybe buy us a beer next time you're in town.

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Susan Rose: Amateur Catholic

Hi there! I see on Penni's (Martha, Martha) and Mark's (You Duped Me Lord) blogs that they have joined your illustrious ranks, which must of course move you from "B" to "B+" status as they are two of my favorite amateur Catholic bloggers.

While I was nominated for a Catholic Blog Award in the Best Blog by a Woman category, I came in last place with just 5.9% of the vote. So quite obviously, I'm an amateur. Of course the winner of that category is one of your charter members!

I discovered the Catholic blogosphere when I was trying to ignore that pesky call to become a Sister. I kept going to Google and typing in "Should Susan become a Sister" or "What should Susan do with her life" or "Does anyone become a nun anymore?" to no avail. I was however lucky enough to happen upon the real life stories of amateur Catholics who were struggling to make sense of this thing called life. I was inspired by their honesty and integrity, and it helped me to decide that I too could trust in my loving God and walk down this path to see where it leads. I must say I've been pleasantly surprised!

I've been sharing my own vocation discernment story at Musings of a Discerning Woman for a little over a year now. I also have a tendency to share my amateur opinions and thoughts about scripture, current events, and social justice. And in true amateur fashion, I'm am aficionado of meme's and blogthing type quizzes. A true professional would never imagine posting such things!

I would be honored to join your 2nd or 3rd string of Amateur Catholics.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Rose Francois
Thank goodness, I am so amateurish in every other way than by accidentally pulling off that blog award, eh? Or I wouldn't be in this illustrious group ... along with you! Because if there's something that I love it's a groovy sister to be. Will some of your groove rub off on us at this blog? Because I could use it!

Welcome, Susan Rose.


At 3/07/2006 3:41 PM, Blogger Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

What an honor!!!!!

Thanks! And happy to spread the grooviness. :)


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